Deal Analyzer

Dear Investor Creator community,

I'm excited to introduce a new tool I've been developing with you in mind. This resource is designed to benefit our entire community, particularly beginners, those conducting support calls, and anyone needing a quick way to calculate a deal. The best part? It's fully functional on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring you can access it whenever and wherever you need it.

While this tool is still a work in progress, I'm eager to share it with you. I hope it will streamline your processes and make deal calculations more efficient, regardless of your experience level.

Your feedback is invaluable as I continue to refine and enhance this tool. Please feel free to share your thoughts using the feedback button located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

I sincerely hope you find this tool useful in your investment journey, whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned pro. I look forward to your input and to further improving this resource for our community!

Ofer Shaal